Monday 25 March 2013


Aboout 75% of women above the age of 40 use Botox and facial fillers in their beauty regime, but many of them don't know what exactly these treatments are or how they work. Wael Abu Diab, a specialist dermatologist at Kaya Clinic, Jeddah, explains about these treatments.

Firstly, What Is Botox?
Botulinum toxin, popularly known as Botox, is a medication and a neurotoxic naturally purified protien produced by a bacterium called Claostridium botulinum. It's injected into the face in a simple, non-surgical manner to weaken the muscles that form wrinkles.

How Does The Injection weaken The Muscles?
Well, when you inject minute quantities of botox in overactive muscles, it blocks the release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which is required for the muscle to contract. Without acetylcholine, the muscle to contract, and this means that it won't be able to pull the attached, over-lying skin into creases, which normally surface on your face as wrinkle treatment is effective for up to a period of three to four months. But keep in mind that it may take several days following the treatment for the full effect of the injection to become apparent.

Is Botox Approved By The FDA?
Yes! Botox was first approved by the FDA in 1989 to treat eye muscle disorder (blepharospasm,
uncontrollable blinking, and strabismus) . With time, doctors discovered that one of the side effects of the eye disorder treatment was softened from lines between the eyebrows, and after much research, the FDA approved Botox as an effective treatment for soften from lines Currently, it's the only treatment of its kind to be approved by the FDA, and it's brow furrow, migrain headache, chronic tension headache, upper limb spasticity, juvenile cerebral palsy, and hyperhidrosis.

Is Botox Safe?
Yes, it is, and it has been proven safe and effective through more than 200 studies conduct worlwide.
Are Botox Procedures Long?
 No; a normal Botox procedure only takes about 20-30 minutes.

And Do The Procedures Hurt?
No, at all. Botox treatments are very gentle; there's virtually no pain or discomfort associated with the in jection. In fact, the procedure feels a lot like the sensation you experience when you pluck your eyebrows. 

Do They Requir Recovery Time?
No, the treatments are minimally invasive and require virtually no downtime. Patients can return to their normal activities and work ommediately after the treatment.

So Is There Anything Special Women Need To Do After The Treatment?
Yes, you need to make sure that you remain upright for about three to four hours following the treatment to localise the Botox to the desired area. Furthermore, avoid heat and sweating for the first 24 hours as persipiration can inhibit the full effect of the treatment.

Are There Any Side Effects?
Most people don't experience any side effects, but the few that do usually complain of temporary eyelid droop, nausea, localised pain, infection, inflammation, tenderness, swelling, redness, bruising and bleeding. 

Will Facial Expressions Continue To Look Natural?
Yes, Botox Treatments don't cause a radical change in your facial appearance or make you look as if you had work done. The muscle activity that causes wrinkles is simple reduced, so you can still frown or look surprised!

So Who Should Not use Botox?
Pregnant women, women who're breast feeding, people who're allergic to albumin, those with infections in proposed injection sites and individuals with known hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formulation should not use Botox. Moreover, patients with neuromuscular disorders, such as ALS, myasthenia gravis, or Lambert-Eaton syndrome, should avoid Botox treatments as they're usually at an increased risk of developing serious side effects. 

Moving On, What Are Facial Fillers?
Facial Fillers are injections that are used for tissue augmentation. They help restore a more youthful appearance to the face by minimising the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and other skin depressions. When injected beneath the skin, they plump sunken areas of the face and smoothen surface irregularities. Some of the most popular types of Facial Fillers include Restylane, Captique, Radiesse, Juvederm, Artefill, Zyplast and Cosmoderm.

What Areas Can Be Treated Using Facial Fillers?
Facial Fillers can be used anywhere on the face, but make sure to never use a Filler with human or animal fat to treat forehead wrinkles as there's a danger of the entering the blood and potentially causing blindness!

So Who's A Good Candidate For A Filler?
Fillers are ideal for patients who don't want surgery, but desire a reduction of wrinkles or replacement of lost volume in certain areas. These Areas include the lips, nasolabial folds, circles under the lower eyelids, cheeks, and the jaw line in front of the jowls.

When Are The Results Of Fillers Visible?
It usually depends on the type of Filler used. But usually, the effects of a Filler are seen immediately, so the process can be stopped whenever you're happy with the result.

And How Long Do The Results Last?
Well, depending on the type of Filler used, the results can last anywhere from four months to five years.

Can You Feel Or See The Filler After The Injection?
Yes, in certain kinds of treatments, you'll be able to feel the Filler under your skin, but the only visible effects will be the cosmetic improvements created by the Filler.

So How Many Times Can You Inject Fillers?
Actually, there's no limit to the number of injections you can have, but it's always a good idea to space them out over a period of time.

What Are The Risks Of Filler Injections?
In general, Fillers are very safe, but in certain rare cases, patients may develop short-lived bruising or sensitivity to a particular Filler. Another potential risk is irregularity under the skin, which can be treated with a massage or with removal of a small amount of Filler.

When Should Women Consider Surgery Instead Of Fillers?
When they have several skin ageing and loss of laxity. Since Fillers aren't capable of lifting tissue and have a temporary effect, patients may eventually want to consider surgical procedures that can have a longer inpact on wrinkles reduction and soft tissue enhancement. 

So What's The Difference Between Botox And Fillers?
Well, Botox focuses on immobilising or relaxing facial muscles to relieve wrinkles, while Fillers focus on tissue filling to treat the age lines. 

And Finally, Who Should Go For Botox And Who Should Go For Fillers?
If your wrinkles appear upon frowning, smiling, laughing, blinking, or squinting, you should go in  for a Botox treatment, and if your wrinkles are present even when the face is at rest, you should choose Fillers. Moreover, if your wrinkles are present at rest and facial expressions make them more prominent, you should consider a combination of both Botox and Fillers.

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